Impact the Spirit and Productivity of Your Day

I discovered the not-so-secret recipe for a productive morning routine. Many of us are busy, have a lot of responsibilities and obligations, and often feel strapped for time. Having a great morning routine can make all the difference in being productive, achieving goals, feeling organized, and doing all of this with confidence. I do the exact same thing in the first hour of every day – in the exact same way. (I also have a one-hour bedtime routine.) The result? My productivity shot through the roof. 

The Entrepreneur Jim Rohn

Jim once said, “Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.”

Creating a morning routine is not focused on who can accomplish the most or check off more boxes than everyone else. Instead, it is about allowing yourself to begin your day with confidence, peace, and a positive attitude. Erin Engle, a licensed clinical psychologist at Columbia University Irving Medical Center, stated a morning routine with a typical wake time, a healthy breakfast, and some exercise is a great place to start.  There are four main areas of development: physical, mental, spiritual, and social. All these areas are different but working on one area will strengthen other areas.

Holistic development approach. Let’s review which behaviors you can self-improve on to building the perfect morning routine:

  1. Physical. Consistent sleep patterns, exercise, drinking and  eating healthy (Note: Waking up and falling asleep at the same time sets your internal clock, or circadian rhythm, which makes for better quality sleep.)
  1. Mental. Read, listen to a podcast, plan your day
  2. Emotional.  Practice gratitude, connect with loved ones
  3. Spiritual.  Performing self-reflection, Meditating, spend time in nature

Joe’s Early Morning Routine. 

  • 6.00 am: Wake up, stretch, and write down three things I’m grateful for (Physical and Emotional)
  • 6.10 am: 15-minute meditation (Spiritual)
  • 6.30 am:  Glass of lemon water and 20-minute home workout (Physical)
  • 6.50 am: Shower and change
  • 7.00 am: Have a healthy breakfast with family (Physical and emotional)
  • 7.30 am: Listen to an audiobook on the way to work (Mental)

Challenging Yourself.

Try to find one or two things to start with – three max. And start small. For instance:

- Want to focus on your health? Start with a glass of lemon water when you wake up. 

- Want to be more organized? Begin by making your bed before you leave the room. 

- Want to get super fit? Start with five pushups before you get in the shower each morning.

- Want more energy? Start the day with energy foods like protein, vegetables, fruit and smoothies.

Time is our most valuable nonrenewable resource, and if we want to treat it with respect, we need to set priorities. ”Ready to reap those benefits? Try just one of these challenges this week and let me know what you think in the comments.  If you haven’t subscribed to my YouTube channel, consider it!

Thanks for reading, guys.
